Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tactical Media Group Minutes 2/21/07 (taken by Jay)

Syllabus is updated with more schedule information on Fred’s blog. Please review.

Presentation requirements were discussed. Everyone is required to do a presentation to the group. Volunteers are needed for the list below with the tentative dates; more will be forth coming.

  • Policy Summary (3/7/07?)
  • Strategic Planning and Campaigning (3/14/07?)
  • Policy Update (4/4/07?)
  • Community Media Models; Public vs. Community (4/11/07?)
  • Policy Update (4/25/07?)

Project Requirements were discussed. Everyone is required to do an individual project and participate in a collaborative project with other group members. We will continue to discuss project opportunities and people are encouraged to bring their ideas forward. Three collaborative projects that are currently being discussed are below with interested participants tentatively identified.

  • Collaborative Media Project. First meeting Thursday March 1, 2007 5:00 – 7:00.
    1. Aaron
    2. Maria Luisa
    3. Sam
    4. Steve
    5. Cisco
  • Video Production Workshops
    1. Angela
    2. Maria Luisa
    3. Yanno
    4. Sam
    5. Peter
    6. Denai
    7. Joseph
    8. Aaron
    9. Jay
  • Alliance for Community Media Activist Project

Fred is looking for volunteers for this project. Phone surveys, Research and dissemination of findings to rally support. Project will attempt dispel misrepresentation competition on cable pricing. The project will advocate for community control over franchise agreements and right of way issues.

  • Video Uploading and Blogging Workshops

Provide workshops for uploading video to internet services like youtube and bliptv.

We would like to schedule some screenings throughout the semester. Anyone who as video projects to share is encouraged to schedule a viewing. Videos five minutes or so can be viewed during our regular meeting time otherwise we could schedule a special viewing and optional invite the public. Looking for topics relevant to the media topics we’ll be discussing this semester.

  • 2/28/07 - Turn it on, Tune it in, Take it over

FYI – There is a media conference at MIT this Saturday 2/24/07 (Beyond Broadcast). Jason is going and anyone interested should speak with him.

Remember about reading assignments. We will continue to discuss the reading in the coming weeks. Read the intro and first two chapters. Consider key concepts and any questions you have.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Class Minutes February 7, 2007

(Taken by Jay)



Everyone had an opportunity to introduce themselves. Welcome to all new Tactical Media Group Members.

Facilitator and Note Taker

Jay took notes tonight and will coordinate a signup list for future meetings.

Steve facilitated tonights meeting

Seqouia will take notes next week and Aaron will facilitate next weeks meeting.


Fred gave a handout for discussion topics

Fred’s Blog

Web2.0 and Collaborative Media

Jason led a discussion and presented information about web2.0 and collaborative media. Topics included the following.

  • Efficient use of technology and online communications
  • History of communication = Mass media (Movies, TV, Radio) = More ability to communicate
= Internet (Web1.0) = More people, advanced technology

= Web2.0 = More interactive, new ways for community building, new ways for social networking, advanced technology including open source

  • Technology used to receive information of interest. How to configure your Firefox browser and RSS feeds (Help/customization/themes and extensions/mozilla updates).
  • Technology used to organize your information on the web and connect with others that have like interests.

Reading Assignment

Read introduction and first two chapters of assigned book. Link to book on Fred’s Blog/syllabus

Brief Discussion about Workshops and Projects

We discuss further next week and start scheduling. Fred discussed the requirements of individual projects and expectations of people getting involved outside of the Wednesday night meeting.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Free Josh Wolf Wiki

Friday, February 02, 2007