Friday, November 16, 2007

Recap of Thursday Evening Meeting

Note Taker: Aaron S.

Facilitator: Cisco

Announcements: Now is the time to be thinking about next semester and what you have done or need to work on. No more enrollment will be taking place in Community Media next semester.

For those in the documentary class, there will be no meeting next week due to it falling on the day before Thanksgiving..

1. Agenda: Watch video, and listen to Crystal’s outline of her project.

Add Aaron S to the tactical media email list.

Updates: N/A

Projects: Crystals Outline & Jose's Video

2. Highlights of Crystals Outline: Crystal is trying to grasp how to put good information together for the community. She wants to connect why policy is important and for those not to take things for granted and to keeping things alive.

Newsletters and fund raising's are ways to communicate with the community.

PEG Access- Public Access TV, also called cable access, community access, community tv, and peg.

Community media vs mass media= local, community building tool, engages citizens to become producers vs just consumers of media. Activism, free-or low-cost and powerful

Fred- "Digital storytelling is a practice. Almost a brand these days. Any idiot can tell a story digitally these days. Have people come in and record through mp3 and then combine onto a CD. Come up with some evaluation on what would or would not work".

Fred-"We need to check out the wiki more".

Distribution v.s. practice. Number of distribution options.

PCN-Progressive communicators network- Good source to check out.

3. Jose’s Film: Welcome to Boston Massachusetts. Allston is losing residents. More students are moving in. Rents are high. Community planning and organizing

Jose- Made the video for organizations to improve funding for housing. The benefits for the community.

Fred- "As a director, you need to have the camera close."

Fred-"Learning Exercise, Strategic piece". If he was director, he would want it shorter.

Audio is 68% communication. Read in a book, Fred stated.

Peter: 11/29-peter will be doing a podcast. Aaron B will be doing the uploading portion.

December 6th, Jason may be doing the 2nd section of the second life presentation.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wanted--- community media maker profiles

I am in the process of researching Boston based community media makers. I have some folks in mind, but would love to hear from you. Is there anyone whom you have worked with that you would like to recognize in the primer? Thoughts?

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Crystal's Outline

Content Focus Areas
Video—BNN, trainings
• Home video

• Web streaming (vlog, video sharing, uploading, embedding)
• Participatory (use of video for onsite playback)
• Digital stories
• Low-end video conferencing

Web– Collaborative Media
Regulations & Policy
Community Media Makers
Existing resources to tap into