Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How can you contribute from afar in the On-line Community Discussion tonight?
  1. Send your questions for the panel by commenting to this blog entry or sending an email.
  2. Check out notes tonight on this blog as the event goes on.
  3. Check out photos of the event on Flickr, tagged "policydiscussionBOSTON".
  4. Read the blogs of in-person participants - see the Blogroll to the right!

1 comment:

Nettrice said...

One of the things I've been concerned about since Y2K (year 2000) is the lack of responsiveness and utilization of technological trends such as digital convergence and public broadcasting (digital media) in community media and technology circles. It's 2006 and many CMCs, CTCs, etc. have yet to catch up just as Congress and corporations are expanding services and trying to change policy/legislation that may close the currently open commons of the Net.

What I want to know is what is the strategy or plan to inform and educate low income communities and communities of color through existing public/open access?

Also, feel free to add my blog to your "roll":


- N