Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tactical Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2006


Fred spoke briefly about attendance requirements. Attendance at the tactical media meetings is required in order to successfully complete your competencies. See the syllabus ( for attendance requirements.

Fred suggested another book for those interested in additional reading. Fissures in the Mediascape: An International Study of Citizens' Media (Hampton Press Communication Series (Communication Alternatives Subseries).) (Hardcover) by Clemencia Rodriguez

Fred distributed two handouts. The first can help with our definitions of media. We discussed the use of the Video Praxis and use for future reference.

  1. Citizen’s Media: Dissent in the Realm of the Symbolic
  2. Video Praxis: Outline of a typology

Brief Question and answer period.


We started a list of projects. We briefly discussed them and Fred encouraged people to consider other projects. We will continue to define, discuss and add to the following list of possibilities.

  1. UMB Free
  2. Project Hope
  3. Collaborative Research
  4. Writing for Mass Media
  5. Wikipedia Teams


We discussed the need to provide our teams with workshops to enhance our knowledge base. Fred wants us to come up with and provide the needed workshops. We briefly discussed the following list.

  1. Video screenings
  2. Video instruction
  3. Video editing instruction
  4. Guest speakers


Jason gave a presentation to the group on Collaborative Media. It will be available online for anyone who missed it. The following is an incomplete outline of its content.

  1. What is collaborative media and what it is not
  2. AKA Web 2.0
  3. Examples of collaborative media. Some are clearly collaborative media and some can be considered collaborative depending on how they are developed and implemented.

o Wiki

    • Social networking
    • Social bookmaking
    • RSS
    • MMOGs
    • Peer-to-Peer networks
    • Blogs
    • Podcasts

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