Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Minutes from Tactical Media 2-27-2008

Attendance: Yvonne, Aaron, Peter, Celeste, Jay, Joanne, Fred, Sara and Rene.

Fred went over the syllabus and let everyone knows how to accesses them and what it need to be done.

Rene asked if we are going to maintain the same format that the group had last semester (sharing the facilitation and have somebody taking notes) we decided to think about it and Rene decided to take notes for this time.

Jay explained about “second life” and how we can get involve on it. The service is free and everyone with a profile or avatar can buy or sale stuff. He will find out what we can use for free.

Aaron will put the link to Tactical Media on face book and my space.

We discussed about the necessity of scheduling different workshops between March 12th and April 30th. The last day of class is May 14th

The workshops are:

- Video Production
2 sessions

- Video Editing
Multiple sessions

- Online media sharing and pod-casting
1 session (Peter will do this one)
April 2nd

- Wed design

- Basic digital literacy
1 session (Yvonne)
March 26th

Fred mention that anyone who wants to get the competency on wed design, should start working on the project and keep track of everything.

REMEMBER to show up next session (Wednesday March 5th) because we need to setup dates for the workshops.

Next Note Taker: SARA

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