Tactical Media Minutes 10-11-2007
Taken By: Denae P.
Aaron Bagelman
Project Discussions
Organization of the Wiki
1. Announcements
Cisco-Friday November 2nd U-Mass Boston Dinner thrown by Casa Latina 7:00 November 2nd -Campus Center Ballroom $5.00 donation, music, local bands (performers) Cisco did a video for them and they want him to do it again.
Sam-Sent out an E-mail to Tactical Media about it. Sam has a show at the Middle East tomorrow @ 10:30 PM (Friday October 12, 2007) $10.00 for 20 minutes (5 songs)
Rene-Alternative for community & Environment annual meeting 6:00 PM Dudley Sq 2181 Washington Street in Roxbury. October 24th. They also do tours around Dudley to visit sites that used to be contaminated but are not being revamped. You can E-mail Rene.
* The documentary class will be using the camera for the next 4 Wednesdays. (They will be on hold and people will not be able to use them).
The classes are going to be camera training classes: camera, lighting, white balancing etc. The rest of the semester will be final cut pro. Anyone can attend. Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:30PM.
* Next class we are having a Canadian filmmaker Kathy Edwards. She is going to talk to us about Community Media (Show footage) She is also going to tape us working next week. We will also be talking a bit about the considerations concerning Myspace, Second Life etc. Make sure to review Jay’s grids and enter your comments etc. Our discussion might also end up in her documentary. Think about how it relates to community.
* Next Week Jason Pramus is doing an update on the current issues and trends and opportunities in community media. He is also going to talk about the social and political implications of these tools. Happening October 25th.
Aaron Stenton-Did put up a Myspace shell for Tactical Media & Sam put up one for Facebook.
#1. How to use them in class
#2. How to use them for your projects & or community building
2. Project Annoucements (Ideas) / Questions
Aaron- (Wiki Discussion) Aaron is doing the organization of the Wiki. He could use help please. Fred and Cisco will be assisting him.
These are the suggestions from last semester for the Wiki:
* Our photos to link to blog (Who are we?)
* Link to Tactical Media blog
* Introductory blurbs
* Table of contents with order changed
* Reorganize the policy stuff
Fred, Cisco, and Aaron plan to meet next Thursday during class in order to discuss these matters. Kathy could possibly tape pieces of the discussion for her documentary.
Crystal-Wants to know if we need to re-register for Benton. Fred said that we should all be getting them. Fred says that you need to Fwd him at least one E-mail that you get from Kevin Tagline in order to get the compentency for the class.
Cisco-Is in the process of working with Casa Latino to work on the Latino Studies website.
Peter-His fathers photo exhibit at the Boston Arts Academy (174 Ipswich Street 174) went very well.
Aaron is going to start to figure out what blurbs he needs to organize the sections on the Wiki.
3. Freds Agenda:
Communications Policy Project-Taping
Aaron Bagelman is going to be taping some policy people but needs help with filming. They are going to be taping Reebee talking about intellectual property. Reebee will also be doing this in our class as well. If you are interested in getting a social research compentency, this can be arranged. You could also use this in place of a presentation. If you are interested in doing this contact Aaron or Fred.
Communications Policy Project-Phone survey research
You will be making phone calls to people regarding communication policy. This is not cold calling.
Primer (Guide) on useful new organizing technology-
Jay’s grids are a start
We need to assess who is interested in helping Crystal on it. We also need to figure out if this needs to be an entire class project. It would be useful thinking for all of us to do. A guide for community leaders-activists, how to organize your newsletters, to how to write a PSA, how to write a press-release. Sam volunteered to help. Fred suggests looking at things that are already created so that you don’t re-create the wheel.
Crystal will develop an outline to see what areas people can help with. We are going to take into effect the time lines-projects that other people are doing so that not everyone would need to do the same amount of work.
Everyone will work on it.
We are looking for a collaborative media coordinator to set up two sessions on what: Possibly second life.
Digitizing things up onto the Internet. Blip TV, You Tube etc. Possibly a podcasting session.
Peter is volunteering to do it.
Crystal wants to know whats going on in the world (media wise) possibly on a weekly basis.
Discussion around the quality of youtube some programs vs. other programs. Some people get the footage directly.
Fred wants a pretty intensive session getting information back on different compression options-putting things online etc. Aaron will do the digitizing session for us. Any day besides November 8th.
The overall topic is uploading, downloading, and being strategic with online video.* What will the night look like?
* Aaron doing refreshing-helping on uploading video
Software options-Different kinds of media players, what options do we have for dong this?
* What is the politically progressive versions of YouTube, are their non-profit versions?
* Are their some that are better than others.
* What sharing site do you want to use? What are the details between all of them?
* What terms are important?
* What programs can assist us?
* What educational-technical level do you need to have? (Terminology and language).
* Cisco will explain how to get things onto podcasts.
Aaron will bring in a 30 second clip of video for us to upload.
Youtube, BlipTV has a Tactical Media Account too
November 15th is when this workshop is happening.
You HAVE to be at the December 13th class.
Scheduling Reebee for November 1st.
Monday, October 15, 2007
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