Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tactical Media Minutes 9/27/2007

Hello, I am going to post the minutes for the first time for the Fall 2007. Also, going to try to do my best that can in posting these minutes. This are the minutes for September 27, 2007.


• What is the plan for the Tactical media for the Fall. Making the list for notes taking and facilitator on the wiki site.

• Fred- mentioned about different projects about collaboration media work and making sure you do your presentation. Fred talked about last semester. Talk about communication policy.

• Crystal talked about her project with the community, she wants to learn how to do a news letter. Building an e-news letter for her project and if the class should help build one and post the news latter online.

• Daniel ask what is going on with the Wi-Fi problem in the Boston. What is the City doing about the wi-fi. Fred mentioned that there is new type of wireless system that ia more powerful has longer range than Wi-Fi that is called WiMax.

• Aaron is going to work on the wiki for more improvement.

• Peter, Father has a photo gallery event on, October 10th at Newbury St the Class is going on field trip to the event. This event is a communication event for class.


The tactical media class is trying to design a myspace page or facebook so we could use it for class. Also there was a discussion in how to defined what are myspace, facebook, youtube and many more social communication network that are in the web. The class is setting up a grid or matrix to define this social communication network and place this grid on the wiki space. All this is just an idea in how to make definitions for social communication network web sites. The tactical media group only has three week to come up with a brief definition for communication grid.

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