Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tactical Media Meeting April 30th 2008

Due to an illness of a friend of Fred Johnson's, Fred was unable to attend tonight's meeting.

Although, some of the meeting still went on, and was interactive through the use of Secondlife.

Jay showed me a few basics of how to use Secondlife. I have been unable to access it on my personal laptop as it does not have the graphical power to do so. This meeting was beneficial as a intro to using Secondlife.

Attendance: Aaron, Jay, Sarah, Yvonne.

We all were on Secondlife. Jay, Sarah & myself were in the actual Taylor center on separate computers accessing the Secondlife program. Yvonne was not in the Taylor center, but was on-line in the Tactical Media center on Secondlife. It was pretty cool to interact with her using the program.

I also brought in a hand out that I was going to pass out to everybody regarding our Tactical Media Jay & Sarah were the only one's that did receive this hand out. Please ask me next Wednesday, May 7th to give you one.

Hopefully next meeting everybody will be able to log on to Secondlife so we all can experiment with it a little more so we can plan future meeting times as the semester is coming to a end.

Aaron Stenton

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