Monday, March 05, 2007

Hello everyone,
Apologies for the delay. Here are the notes from the Wednesday 2/28 TMG session.

Beyond Broadcast Feedback -- Jason
Project Presentation Discussion & Overview -- Fred
Community Media --- Fred
Questions, Comments, Discussion-- ALL
Other-- ALL

Beyond Broadcast-- Jason is interested in creating oportunities for some of the presenters, including Tad Hirsch, Leo Bird, and Adam Holt to attend a TMG session or learn more about TMG.

Individual Projects
Folks were encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas about their individual projetcs.

Sequoia-- Working on an Oral History project
Sam-- Interested in working with UMB Sports and creating a Hip-Hop Forum in late April at UMB.

Danae-- Would like to develop a short video for the non-profit she works for

Peter-- Creating a web site that will feature videos on a variety of social justice topics etc.

Jose-- Working with ABCD to outreachto the Latino community regarding Home buying classes

Community Media

For Rennie's version refer to page 4 of the book.

Fred-- "Community media is non-commercial media created in communities that provides a forum for participation and it content and organization are both participatory and democratic."

Key Issues
Community-- virtual vs. geographic
Who is in the community?

Models of community media
Web based indipendent, radio, Cable Access, electronic community, newspapers
  • historically community media helped build a wall between marketing & commercialism (ie. marketing decisions based on a Board of Directors social values (ch. 4 Rennie)

Goal-- To provide access

CH. 2 "Access & Free Speech" notes & Discussion

PEG Cable Access--usually have an open policy on editorial decisions
Community radio has a stronger editorial decision

3 Questions to ask regarding Community media
1. How is it governed?
2. Where is the funding coming from?
3. What are its editorial policies?

Communitiarianism vs. Liberalism (pg. 25 Rennie)
Liberal = capatilist/post 1800/ modern/ individualist
Communitarian= pre-capitalist/ pre 1800/ pre-modern/ collectivist/ fmaily, clan, viallge level (ie. "it takes a village..."

Read pgs 25-29
Reactionary communitarianism is a double edge sword

Questions, Comments, Discussion
Fred-- Make a presentation on community media models.
***Critical Q's are as important as the concepts

Most important Q's
1. How to control a media environment?
2. How are policies created?

We need a national media policy!

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