Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Free Wi-Fi Plan

Just thought this would be of some interest.


Aaron Stenton

It seems that some Democrats and the Bush administration have finally found something to agree on: opposition to the FCC’s free Wi-Fi plan. On December 18, the Federal Communications Commission is expected to vote on a proposal that would auction off the AWS-3 wireless spectrum that becomes available in February 2009 after television stations go all digital. The winner of the spectrum would be required to use part of it for a national, ad-supported free wireless Internet service. The free Wi-Fi would have to be implemented within a few years of winning the auction and requires the company to construct filters that protect minors from adult content.

To Read more go to :

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Hey everyone! I saw this site on a show on G4 and just wanted to share:
One True Media - "Somebody's going to look like a creative genius in a few minutes (hint: it's you). It's just so simple to mix your video and photos with our fresh, stylish effects to create wow-worthy Video Montages."


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Speaking out for Net Neutrality...

Got this at my yahoo account today and wanted to share:

Dear Friend,

Big phone and cable companies are trying to get rid of Net Neutrality, the fundamental principle that prevents them from discriminating against your favorite Web sites and services.

Unless we speak out to our members of Congress, they could move to allow large telephone and cable companies to control what you do, where you go and what you watch online.

Visit the URL below to learn more about what's at stake and send a loud message directly to Congress:
To take action on this issue, click on the link below:
If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Google Video/Voice Chat Feature

Hi all! Just saw that Google now offers a video/voice chat feature. Go to for more information if you are interested. (NOTE: when I made this URL into a hyperlink it doesn't work but it should if you copy and paste the URL into the address bar of your browser. Feel free to contact me if this doesn't work for you).


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Vyew meeting dates (11/08 to 12/08)

Future dates for meeting in Vyew...

11/14/08, 11/21/08 and 12/05/08 at 8pm in Vyew

My 1st website

Agenda for November 6, 2008 Conference Call

Agenda for November 6, 2008 Conference Call

Link to Tactical Syllabus:

Tactical Media Wiki:

• Chair/call facilitator?

• Additions to agenda?

• General discussion, clarifications, and feedback on the Web/Internet class

• Reminder Web/Internet class meetings next week:
November 10th, 12th, 17th and 19th?

• (3)Future on-line gatherings: Tutorials and Reports [Jay Cleary]

• Discussions of other on-line venues

• Setting dates for future meetings

Discussion of assignments – Identifying Reporters
Reporters will use the capabilities of the on-line web tools chosen to make the reports.

Assignment #1
Two members of the group make a presentation discussing our work with Community Media and comparing and contrasting elements of the report.

The Council of Europe has recently released a study of community media that treats it as a “Third Sector”. The report, titled, Promoting Social Cohesion: The Role of Community Media, by Peter Lewis, can be downloaded as a PDF at this address:

Assignment #2
Two members of the group make a report on the potential of new citizen and activist on-line media tools for strategic communications purposes.


Current Assignments

Primary competencies
Media and Community Building, Communications Policy and Developing a Media Strategy.

Below are the activities I would like participants to undertake for Tactical Media. They are an updating of the criteria in the Tactical project outline.

• Actively engage in the social networking experiments undertaken by Tactical Media

• A community based media project

• Research and writing

• Engagement with the on-line presences of Tactical Media

Theory work [all papers are a minimum of 5 double spaced pages]:

• One paper defining and discussing Community Media, key references the text Community Media and What’s Going on in Community Media, and other references that you identify and choose to use.

• One paper on Communications Policy that picks out and issues [net neutrality for example] and discusses it while placing it within an outline of the process of communication policy formation at the local, state and federal level. Key references will be identified, starting with the Benton Communications Policy headlines.

• One paper exploring some aspect of citizen media, citizen engagement, activist media strategic communications and use of media for empowerment.

• One strategic communications outline and plan for one of your projects.

What you have to do to demonstrate these competencies.
• Prepare and share the short definitions listed in this syllabus
• Complete the research assignments and make them available on and the Tactical Media blog.
• Participate in the on-line discussions and activities.
• Contribute to the on-line experiments and projects that fit your competencies.
• Actively use the Tactical Media Blog.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Security Alert

'Experimental' security fix is malware, Microsoft says: Scammers are sending out phoney emails
that claim to include critical Windows security alerts, Microsoft warned last Monday. The fake alerts
describe themselves as part of a new "experimental private version of an update for all Microsoft
Windows OS users," Microsoft said in a note on the scam, posted Monday. [13 October 2008;

Just wanted to pass this along to you all.


Aaron Stenton

Sunday, October 12, 2008

short definitions % Media terms

Community Media: Community Media is inherent to community issues and dedicated to community building by allowing community members to find solutions to problems encountered within and create opportunities to develop and prosper the community. Community Media has for a purpose creating ties between different members of the community through communication and community reaching by using Public Access TV and radio station and Internet.

Participatory Media: Participatory media is an active social Media that allows people to create and consume media. The Revolution of Media put in place accessible technologies and platforms that allowed users to step little further and not limit them to receive but to also participate in delivering messages.

Citizen Media: Citizen Media is Media produced by private non professional journalist citizens. It uses different forms of Media Production like Blogs, Vlogs, Pod casts, Wikis, forums, Participatory video etc and distributed via Public Access TV and Radio Stations, Internet.

Citizen’s Media: Citizen’s Media is when Media content is created and controlled by citizens. Citizen’s Media allow people to control and voice their opinions and help communities getting together. Content isn’t subject to editing and mostly emotionally driven. Citizen’s media is broader, open, and produced at low cost.

Development Media: Development Media is information and knowledge brought by Media, aiming at developing a critical thinking and encouraging the use of technology to enable independents Media to reach, empower and engage people in matter that affects them to establish a democratic society.

Democratic Media: Democratic Media drives its origin from the fact that the coverage of Media to important issues is bias and the lack of an open none influenced Media. Because Media plays a crucial role in shaping people’s opinion, it can influence their decisions, and favors a group of people over another. Democratic Media has for purpose bringing Democracy to people by promoting an open access to a diverse media sources allowing citizens to make informed decisions.

FCC open meeting Oct, 2008

FCC Open Meeting (Oct)
Open meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Any Opinions on This Matter?

Not sure if everybody has seen this yet or not, but those of you who use their Umass Student Email, should have received this. If not, I have posted it here for everybody to see.

Aaron Stenton


To: The University Community

From: Chancellor J. Keith Motley

Date: October 3, 2008
Subject: Fiscal Challenges

As many of you may have learned from the media over the past weeks, Massachusetts is facing serious fiscal challenges due to a softening economy and slowing revenue collections, which have fallen well short of state budget projections. As a university that receives substantial funding from the state, the University of Massachusetts Boston will be required to share in the solution to this difficult fiscal problem.

This morning I met with my leadership team to begin the discussion about how we as a university community can best prepare for and address the looming funding cuts, and next week I will meet with University of Massachusetts President Jack Wilson to discuss system-wide concerns and possible courses of action. These discussions will continue in the coming weeks as we receive additional information from Governor Deval Patrick’s administration and learn more about its planned course of action.

As we move forward, I will provide you with regular updates, and we will engage the entire campus community in an open and fair process toward finding solutions. I want you to know that throughout this fiscal challenge, we will not compromise excellence and will remain determined to keep the University of Massachusetts Boston on its trajectory of progress. I am very optimistic that with your help – faculty, staff, and students – we will succeed.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

CPCS Academic Calendar- Fall 08

Academic Calendar
College of Public and Community Service
Fall 2008
Everything you need to know about CPCS from Reistration to completing Competencies

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Technology convergence brings value to the product (T-Mobile G1)

Google's first Android phone(HTC Dream) goes on sale in the U.S. on T-Qnetwork on October 22. The G1 features a touch-screen interface, a qWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS, a music player, and support for third-party applications. The selling prices for T-Mobile G1 is going to be $179 with a two-year service contract.

Monday, July 14, 2008

No Local Election Coverage

Thank You Jason!

Aaron Stenton

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Media and Community Building

Community building can be defined as any local action taken by local individuals to build their community and provide opportunity for people to exercise their rights granted by the constitution. The powerful influence of Media on people and technological convergence help empower communities and reach social goals, engage citizens in contributing in public policy and shaping democracy.
Educated citizens are essential to a functioning democracy; they can actively question corporate power and mobilize resource to help establish social justice and fairness by engaging citizens in building a healthy society through the influence of Media.
For citizens to be engaged in democracy, they need to be critical thinkers, self expressive so that they can understand and contribute to public discourse and make informed decisions to the issues, opinions and ideas which matter most to them.
Community media help community members communicate, learn, create, connect together and share information. The purpose of Media and community building is to:
• Tell, share and preserve the community stories
• Better understand the community differences
• Discuss the community challenges and develop solutions
• Encourage and exercise the free exchange of ideas
• Practice inclusiveness and empowerment
• Promote and enable social change
• Build collaborations and partnerships in pursuit of a better community.
Media and communication technologies have contributed to building healthy, dynamic communities. Some of the tools that can be used in the service of community building are the following:
• Independent local Journalism that fully informs the community and acts as a watchdog to protects citizens from distorted news and provides a professional journalism.
• Newspapers, television and radio stations, local broadcast channels operated by multiple, diverse, and independent owners that compete vigorously and employ a diverse workforce.
• Radio and television programming produced by independent creators that is original, challenging, controversial, and diverse.
• Programming, stories, and speech produced by communities and citizens.
• Internet service provided by multiple, independent providers who compete vigorously and offer access to the entire Internet over a broadband connection, with freedom to attach within the home any legal device to the net connection and run any legal application.
• Public broadcasting insulated from political and commercial interests that is well-funded and especially serves communities underserved by privately-owned broadcasters.
• Regulatory policies emphasizing media education and citizen empowerment, not government censorship, as the best ways to avoid unwanted content.
• Media That Use The Public's Airwaves To Serve The Public Interest
Digital convergences extend human abilities and shrink space, it allows every user to connect anywhere, anytime and be able to have access to adapted and high quality content and communication services in a safe an accessible environment. Digital convergence empowers communities by allowing them to become active users, communicate and share information easily.
In the constant search of improving the quality of life and economic growth, technological convergence has served in developing and increasing effectiveness of communication, radically changing the way of doing business (online business), human interaction and social life (blogs, wiki, online dating, 2nd life, facebook, myspace). Indeed technology creates and develops new ways of communication; different ways of social interaction giving citizens power to become producers and contribute to establish democracy. Access to information is becoming easier than ever, because media plays a crucial role in shaping up various types of development in society: in changing opinions and actions. Through Media convergence, communities are able to empower citizens by using various technologies to inform and share information and building a better community.
Media also can help communities facing cultural exclusion, low-literacy, language barriers and/or disability by mobilization and education of community members and engage them in intervening to improve their lives by making services and education available to citizens by utilizing local newspapers, local broadcast, local website and emails and reaching out to citizens to advice them and provide local help, to educate them and allow them to express their voices and communicate their worries as a community.
To summarize, when building communities through media, active media citizens need not to control the message, deliver content with integrity, honesty and transparency, allow participation and share information to build value for the community and that by knowing the community dominant needs and providing solution to their problems, inspiring citizens and keeping them motivated and engaged.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Survey For Wikispace Video

Hi Everybody,

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey that I created that goes along with my strategic communications plan.


Click Here to take survey

Aaron Stenton

Saturday, May 10, 2008

NEW Petition wording: PLEASE comment

How do people like the wording on this?:

"To: ALL UMass Students and members of the general public:

We are signing to show our support for UMass Boston's College of Public and Community Service & our Major/Concentration in Community Media & Technology.

It is integral that CPCS remain a part of UMass Boston. The Community Media and Technology Program should be reinstated as well. Many of us chose to attend UMass Boston because of the CMT program. It is a crucial program and deserves much more support than the previous administration allowed.

Speaking as a CMT student: we are the future for technology. CMT needs to be expanded to allow those who are interested and who have the ability to have the opportunity to display our talents and skills as well as the capability of all form of Media & Technology.


SecondLife on Television!!!

Hey everybody,

I just wanted to pass along that Secondlife will be on television Thursday May 15th, at 8pm. (The day after our last meeting of the semester)

Check out the link below for more details.

Maybe somebody can record this? It would be pretty interesting to have it some how recorded and then posted on our blog or Wiki page. Any ideas?

Aaron Stenton

Sunday, May 04, 2008


What is everybody's opinion on the Memorandum for CPCS that was sent out a couple weeks ago?

I think it's an issue we should go over in class. We should go into deeper thoughts about this letter that was mailed out CPCS students. We should even possibly survey students in CPCS, to see if they received this letter and to see what their opinions are about it.

I will try to post a better image of this letter later on at some point.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Document on Graphics Facility by Yvonne Decelis

This is a document I (gradually) wrote for a graphics facility I set up (and maintained and trained on) at HMS.


Tactical Media Meeting April 30th 2008

Due to an illness of a friend of Fred Johnson's, Fred was unable to attend tonight's meeting.

Although, some of the meeting still went on, and was interactive through the use of Secondlife.

Jay showed me a few basics of how to use Secondlife. I have been unable to access it on my personal laptop as it does not have the graphical power to do so. This meeting was beneficial as a intro to using Secondlife.

Attendance: Aaron, Jay, Sarah, Yvonne.

We all were on Secondlife. Jay, Sarah & myself were in the actual Taylor center on separate computers accessing the Secondlife program. Yvonne was not in the Taylor center, but was on-line in the Tactical Media center on Secondlife. It was pretty cool to interact with her using the program.

I also brought in a hand out that I was going to pass out to everybody regarding our Tactical Media Jay & Sarah were the only one's that did receive this hand out. Please ask me next Wednesday, May 7th to give you one.

Hopefully next meeting everybody will be able to log on to Secondlife so we all can experiment with it a little more so we can plan future meeting times as the semester is coming to a end.

Aaron Stenton

Poster File Preparation info by Yvonne Decelis

Poster File Preparation Info

This is a document containing the slides I ran for a brown bag seminar I did at Harvard Medical School from 2004 to 2006 on preparing files for poster printing.

-Yvonne Decelis

Monday, April 28, 2008


I have created a petition on this site for people to use:


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saving CPCS & Community Media & Technology

Who is in favor of creating an on-line petition? Who will take the lead on this? I feel it will be a great idea to go forth with creating one in order for our voices to be heard here at Umass Boston to show support for CPCS & our Major, or Minor, or Concentration in Community Media & Technology.

We are the future for technology, and without our input, it will be negative for those who are interested in our college's program. It needs to be expanded to allow those who are interested to get the opportunity to show off their talents and skills in Media & Technology.

So I ask of you all, who will take the step in starting this revolution to save our College & Program?

Let 2008 be the year for CPCS & Community Media & Technology

Aaron Stenton

Thursday, April 24, 2008

LogMeIn Information

Hello everyone! Just wanted to throw a note up on the blog since I mentioned the web site LinkedIn at last night's workshop.

From what I've seen, Linked in is an online way of networking with professionals...

You can look into it (and, if you want, join for free) at


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, April 23rd Notes

Tactical Media Notes for April 23rd, 2008.

Note Taker: Aaron Stenton

A revised Tactical Media sheet was handed out. Please email or see Fred directly for a sheet if you were not at the meeting to receive one.

Everybody needs to decide what projects and presentations that they will be doing to earn our competencies. Please Email or meet with Fred to discuss what you will be doing or have done already. In addition,
See Fred for a Outline form and a Tactical Media 2008: Potential Projects form. If you do not already have these.

As the semester is coming to an end, we are preparing to be a leanring community that doesn’t meet all the time, but instead, we are trying to meet on-line and communicate on the status of works that are taking place.

The Workshops that have taken place already are for people to learn from and to go forth to begin with there own project(S).

Please notify Fred if you are unable to access SecondLife. We all need a alais on SecondLife as soon as possible. If you are unsure how to do this, go to or contact Jay.

Next Week: Myspace. Aaron will be bringing in direction of where Myspace should be going for Tactical Media.

Did I miss anything? If so, feel free to add onto this posting. Thanks Everyone.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Using The Tactical Media Wikispace

Hey Everybody.

Here is a project that I have been working on. I hope you may find some use out of it if you are unfamiliar with the basics of using & navigating the Tactical Media Wiki Page. I felt it was something that was needed in order to expand some of the uses of our media tools to those who are not aware of what can be done, with little or no money at all. It takes creation, time, and effort to establish something that can prove a point or show by example and demonstration.

I also feel that this is a great way for those of you that are new to Tactical Media to understand how to use the Wiki Page. At the end of my presentation, it will automatically bring you to the Main Page of Tactical Media Wiki. To view a better version of this, you can check it out on the actual Wiki Page as I created a separate page for it under the Table Of Contents labeled as "Using This Wikispace"

Aaron Stenton

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dreamweaver Class info and 4/23/08 TIME CHANGE

Hey folks! I don't believe we are starting at 4 on the 23rd - think it will be 5:30 sans workshop, fyi. I am putting this on the blog for now but it needs to go onto the Wikispace as well. I have no idea when I'll get around to doing this but, for now:

Couple of updates: wanted to give you these URLs I went over at the workshop by request: (makes URL addresses much shorter and is free to use)

Sizzling Jalfrezi (HTML by example) for everything you could want to know on html code:

Lastly (to answer questions I couldn't answer on the 16th):


What's the difference between XML and HTML?

Last updated Jan 1, 2004.

On the surface, XML and HTML look similar. Both use tags (such as
or ) and attributes (such as
align="left" or type="personal") to add information to the content. In
fact, a carefully prepared HTML document can double as an XML
document. The difference is that HTML is a well-defined set of
elements and attributes. For example, the following is a well-formed
XML document, but because it only uses tags that are defined in HTML,
it's also an HTML document:
Message of the Day

On the other hand, HTML has somewhat looser rules than XML, so some
HTML documents are not well-formed XML documents. (See the next


What is php? (from
HP is a scripting language you can use on your "html" pages. Using the
"php" extension on a file tells the server to look for php code in the
file. So, if you want to use php, you have to have it end in .php (or
a few other options). If you have no php code on the page there is no
need to use .php on that page, but it doesn't really hurt anything if
you do. Only possible thing I can think of is that the server might
take a little more work because it's looking for something that's not
there. :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Tactical Media Workshop Schedule

The following workshops will be held from 5:00pm - 7:00pm


Photoshop + Adobe ImageReady Presented by Yvonne and Trey (2 hrs)


Adobe Dreamweaver Presented by Trey (2 hrs) **Class will start @ 4:00 pm by request


Flash Presented by Trey (2 hrs) ** Class will start @ 4:00 pm by request

Please remember to establish an identity on Second Life (


Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Info from Adobe & one of "my" pages...

Hello everyone! I apologize for being so inactive in our group recently. I was dismissed from one job and broke the thumb of my left hand (I'm left handed) so Im a bit under at the moment.

A website I work on is viewable at

I have also done a very small amount of work on this one:

Also: I got this from Adobe and wanted to share:
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 22:38:10 -0500
From: Adobe Systems Incorporated
Subject: You're Invited: April Web Design Events





Stay on Top of Web Design Techniques and Technologies
If you are attending any of our live events, please stop by our booth and
learn more about our many solution and product offerings. Expand your
Adobe(R) Dreamweaver(R) and Adobe Flash(R) skills with one of our many
OnDemand web seminars. With all of these options, you're sure to get the
information you need to take your work to the next level.


Learn on location

Adobe and MAXON Present the Power Integration Tour
Tuesday, April 1–Thursday, April 3, 2008
Montreal and Toronto, Canada
Enjoy increased speed and efficiency in your motion graphics pipeline
with Adobe's CS3 Production Suite and MAXON's 3D application, CINEMA
4D. To learn more, please visit

Photoshop(R) World
Wednesday, April 2–Friday, April 4, 2008
Orange County Convention Center – South
Orlando, FL
Photoshop World is the largest Adobe(R) Photoshop training event in
the world. Visit Adobe in Booth 201 to get an insider's view of the latest
products and the most-up-to-date tips and tricks. To learn more, please visit

NAB 2008
Monday, April 14–Thursday, April 17, 2008
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
The NAB Show(TM) is the place to be for anyone who employs video and
audio to communicate, educate, and entertain. Visit Adobe in Booth SL
3220 to check out the newest products and get a sneak peek of things
to come! To learn more, please visit

HOW Design Conference 2008
Sunday, May 18–Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hynes Convention Center
Boston, MA
The HOW Design Conference is the single most inspirational, informative
conference for graphic designers. Visit Adobe in Booth 311 and learn how
Adobe(R) Creative Suite(R) software can equip you to craft your best
creative work more easily and efficiently than ever before. To learn more,
please visit


Learn on your time

Dreamweaver CSS Boot Camp (for beginners)
Come learn the basics of properly and semantically marking up your
content, while styling it with CSS. Stephanie Sullivan, author of the
CSS layouts included with Dreamweaver CS3, will give you a solid
understanding of CSS basics. To learn more, please visit

Innovating the Adobe(R) Flash(R) CS3/Flex(R) Workflow
How can Flash and Flex live side by side in your Flash-centric workflow?
Learn how to get the best of both worlds and use Flex 3 to code your
Flash-based projects. To learn more, please visit

Architecting a Website in Flash CS3 - Create a site in Flash
So you've created Flash graphics but are unsure how to set up an
entire site in Flash? In this session, Paul Trani, an Adobe Certified
Expert, will show you how to build a site in Flash using different
methods and the benefit of each. To learn more, please visit

Advanced Dreamweaver Design
Use the new CSS starter pages in Dreamweaver CS3 and take using
CSS to the next level. To learn more, please visit


What's in Store

Special offer on Adobe Soundbooth CS3
Get Adobe(R) Soundbooth(R) CS3 at
for US$99 with the purchase of a full or upgrade version of Adobe
Creative Suite(R) 3 Web Premium at
or Web Standard at
or Adobe Flash(R) CS3 Professional at
Built for creative professionals and integrated with Flash,
Adobe Soundbooth CS3 software delivers tools for quick and
easy audio editing, cleanup, sound design, and music creation.

This special offer is valid from March 3, 2008, through September 28, 2008.


Adobe, Creative Suite, Dreamweaver, Flash, Flex, Photoshop, and
Soundbooth are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Networking & On-line Media Tools

Hi Everybody,

I am just letting you all know that on our Wiki Page, there is a section on it in regards to on-line media tools such as YouTube, Myspace, Facebook, and Bebo. Last semester we were trying to distinguish which ones worked the best depending on the need for the tool. This brings me to why I am posting this on the blog. I will be filling in the blanks on this section over the weekend so we can all see the actual stats on the usage/ability of each media tool & the convince it may or may not provide for networking and other media related concerns. Make sure to check it out after the weekend is over. Thanks.

Aaron Stenton

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Basic Digital Literacy Workshop

I have to "bump" this up a week. How does April 2, 2008 work for everyone?

Yvonne Decelis

Friday, March 14, 2008


Hey Everybody.

I just wanted to pass a link along to you all of a place that sells video, audio, etc softwares for us Media makers.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Night March 12th

Note Taker: Aaron Stenton

Subjects for the night: Imovie
Community Media Definitions
Different kinds of Alternative Media
Final Cut Pro

Fred passed out a booklet titled" What's going on in Community Media" If you did not receieve a copy, please see Fred, or a student in the class to copy it.

Fred Stated, "Community Media is a form of Alternative Media" Community Media is NOT Commercial Media. "Come to your own Conclusions"

Key Idea: "If you have a commercial media model, people are paid by a commercial enterprise to make media that will sell other things"

"You should get paid for your work"

Fred would like everybody to create their own definition of "Community Media".

Community Media is about local places. It's about not confusing it with media on-line. It deals with a specific location and or place. It can be mainstream. **There needs to be local control.**

Local Networks: Channel 4, 5, 6, News Stations. Do the products advertised during commercials appeal to us? Check it out. Leave some feedback on the blog about it.

Clear Channel can be sold as a commodity. We have no control over what changes can occur that can affect us.

Power operates differently. There is always a way to get more work out of you in the cheapest possible way. With technology on the rise, it is taking over our jobs, our social beings...etc...

More time and money is needed for Community Media.

Information in a diversity area is great. Although the Media needs to be expanded.

Community Ownership & Control- BNN is a example of this. There are not very open to just "Media Makers".

***Ways of Analyzing a Community Atmosphere***
How is the Media Governed?
Look how it meets criteria?
Does it offer training?
Where does the money come from?
Are there ways managing the money through governance?
How open are they to public in-put?
What is their editorial policy?

These are just a few questions you must ask and wonder about a organization.

**Some independent-media makers are not committed.***Pretend Media.

Community Media is a Process

There was no time for Imovie during Wednesday Night's meeting.

Media Policy 101:

3 distinctions:

1. Policy by which a country city, or state looks at how people get media in their homes and into their individual life's.

2. Communication Policy broken down to Broadcasting, telecommunications, & Cable.

3. All the policies around #2 are a kind of transportation through wires. How this type of media has impact on our community.

FreePress. Activist Tools. Has a media policy that you can download in a PDF file.

Please take a look at the following websites and read them over briefly:

Also take a look at public interest on the Wiki/Blog.

****The existence of community media is based on Policy. There needs to be policy in place in order to proceed. It needs to have a focus. Community media is created through policy.****

MIT and Final Cut Pro

Hello everyone! I was at work this morning and, when I checked out the MIT web page, I found this article which I thought you all might find of interest:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Communications Policy

Hey Everybody.

Just thought that I would share this link with all of you. It's a good reading. Check it out.

Aaron Stenton

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I just wanted to provide my blog page here if anyone wants to review it:

-YDC (Yvonne)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tactical Media_03/05/08

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
5-7 pm
Taylor Center


I. Competencies negotiation
II. Workshop Schedule Planning
III. Roundtable discussion



Fred handed out a sheet that has an outlines of how to get the 3 competencies in Tactical Media.

Fred pulled up the tactical Media Web Blog and started talking about how we can complete the 3 competencies:

1- Media and Community Building
2- Communication Policy
3- Developing a Media Strategy
*** (And possible negotiation of an additional production Competency) ***

Rene talked about his MBTA community activity trying to improve the bus service (There is a podcast on NPR about the subject) he also mentioned that they are going to have a press conference at the transportation Building in Boston Tomorrow (March 6th)
Rene talked about the possibility of burning the podcast in CD’s and distributing them, and subject moved to whether this would be a violation to copyrights.
Fred talked about Copyrights how they are a bundle of rights that can be negotiated. Fred also talked about trade mark and patent as other forms of IP rights (Intellectual property).

Fred clarified the major points that were listed in the sheet he distributed at the beginning of the class; gave us few minutes to go over it and asked us if it’s clear to all of us. Affirmative response from the group.

He talked about how he’s interested in us knowing how communication policy are made and he talked about the link.

He moved talking about Media and community building and how Media is empowering citizens.

He gave us the options to either choose writing a research paper or do the research in form of production (audio, video, web…) about a subject that we are interested in as long as it would fit the criteria.

We had a round table discussing availabilities for students’ volunteering in leading the teaching of certain classes and we came the following workshop schedule planning:


Fred will talk about the theory of political policy and community media
Rene will be provide training on iMovie (½ hr)
Final Cut Pro will also be discussed (45 minutes)

March 15 to 23 (Saturday to Sunday) Spring Vacation


Basic Digital Literacy Presented by Yvonne


Online Media Sharing and pod-casting Presented by Peter Neudel


Photoshop + Adobe ImageReady Presented by Yvonne and Trey (2 hrs)


Adobe Dreamweaver Presented by Trey (2 hrs) **Class will start @ 4:00 pm


Flash Presented by Trey (2 hrs) ** Class will start @ 4:00 pm

Next Note Taker: Aaron

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Minutes from Tactical Media 2-27-2008

Attendance: Yvonne, Aaron, Peter, Celeste, Jay, Joanne, Fred, Sara and Rene.

Fred went over the syllabus and let everyone knows how to accesses them and what it need to be done.

Rene asked if we are going to maintain the same format that the group had last semester (sharing the facilitation and have somebody taking notes) we decided to think about it and Rene decided to take notes for this time.

Jay explained about “second life” and how we can get involve on it. The service is free and everyone with a profile or avatar can buy or sale stuff. He will find out what we can use for free.

Aaron will put the link to Tactical Media on face book and my space.

We discussed about the necessity of scheduling different workshops between March 12th and April 30th. The last day of class is May 14th

The workshops are:

- Video Production
2 sessions

- Video Editing
Multiple sessions

- Online media sharing and pod-casting
1 session (Peter will do this one)
April 2nd

- Wed design

- Basic digital literacy
1 session (Yvonne)
March 26th

Fred mention that anyone who wants to get the competency on wed design, should start working on the project and keep track of everything.

REMEMBER to show up next session (Wednesday March 5th) because we need to setup dates for the workshops.

Next Note Taker: SARA

Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Wiki

Hi Everyone,

This may be of some interest and an additional tool to get Tactical Media and the CMT Program out there. Check it out.

Aaron S.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is the T on track?

Hi guys,

Remember last night I mentioned to you all about NPR’s report on the MBTA? Well, here is the link to the program and remember to listen it at 1:00pm Friday 29th on 90.9 fm.

Rene E.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tactical Media Myspace Page

Hello everyone,

Here is the link to the Tactical Media Myspace Page. If you have a page of your own, feel free to add the Tactical Media Myspace as a Friend.

Connecting the Globe: Good [but limited]Policy Outline

For everyone working on telecom policy papers or just entering the discussion on communication policy, please download a digital version of this paper for your desktop


Spring 08 Tactical Project Information

Here are syllabus and learning activities for those currently active in the project.

The password is on the Tactical Media list serv --- check your email

Here is the download link for the Community Media Study:



Friday, February 22, 2008

Strategic Communication Plan

Hi everyone,

This is the webpage where you can get the strategic communication plan. You can go to “resources” and then click on tutorials, good luck.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The Net_1

Different type of connections

We were talking today about types of connection so I'm posting these defintions about the different types of connection hoping it would some how help.

Type of Internet Connection

Dial-up connections: Modem, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), X.25Connect to a corporate network or the Internet by using dial-up access.

Local area connections: Ethernet, Token Ring, cable modem, digital subscriber line (DSL), Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), IP over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), IrDA, wireless, wide area network (WAN) technologies (T1, Frame Relay)Typical corporate user.

Virtual private network (VPN) connections: VPNs, over Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) or Layer Two Transfer Protocol (L2TP), to corporate networks or the Internet. Connect securely to a corporate network over an existing connection to the Internet.

Direct connections: Serial cabling, infrared link, DirectParallel cable Synchronize information between a handheld Windows CE computer and a desktop computer.

Incoming connections: Dial-up, VPN, or direct connections. Allow other computers to dial into this computer.