Friday, November 03, 2006

brad will, an independent journalist with Indymedia, was killed friday in oaxaca while video taping the protest taking place in the city between the community especially teachers unions who are demanding increased rights and the state government. the action has spread and is characterized by large scale solidarity from a myriad of social sectors. i found this relevent because as we prepare to do video workshops it is important to realize that apparently some things are still off limits to cover and this should inspire us to work on all fronts to create a more just society.

* We, along with all of Brad's friends, reject the use of further state-sponsored violence in Oaxaca.
* The New York City Independent Media Center supports the demand of Reporters Without Borders for a full and complete investigation by Mexican authorities into Oaxaca State Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz's continued use of plain-clothed municipal police as a political paramilitary force. The arrest of his assailants is not enough.
* The NYC IMC also supports the call of Zapatista Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos "to compañeros and compañeras in other countries to unite and to demand justice for this dead compañero." Marcos issued this call "especially to all of the alternative media, and free media here in Mexico and in all the world."

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