Notes for 11/2/06
Facilitator-Jay Cleary
Notes-Pam Ross
We welcomed a guest to the meeting, Nicole Agusti, who is in the Public Policy Graduate Program with Jason.
First on the agenda was an update of projects being planned by Tactical Media Group. Charlotte gave the overview of our meeting for the Video Production workshop, which included Bruce Lundeen, Steve, Jay, Charlotte, Pam and Yianno. It is being planned as a two parter, first on Nov.30th from 3-5PM to cover production techniques and hands on experience with equipment. The second workshop, possibly on Dec.7th, will cover storytelling and editing techniqe. Group assignments: Steve will check out reserving the space for workshop, Jay will work on the flyer, Charlotte will contact the newspaper for advertising, and Pam will get a list of CMT students from Fred so that we can get them involved for their video production competency if they need it.
Fred wants us to define our audience and decide if we will keep it on campus, set limits for attendence and set up an RSVP on list serve.
Jason held a meeting for the Collaborative Media project with Guled in attendence. There is some conflict in meeting times for projects, limiting attendence, so Jason suggested we set them up to be at different times, in case same people want to be involved in both. The plan is to set up our own WIKI contain community media info and definition that we can then contribute to Wikipedia, as of yet there are no defnitions for comunity media, only refers to public access. Jason will check out the necessary software, interfaces, etc. Sequoia located a server we can use if needed.
Guled had info re: tactica media @ temp. username :tacticalmedia
password: tactical if you want to go and check it out.
Second item; Scheduling. Steve has been in contact w/ Matt re: the short documentary done at CCTV, wants to screen for our class and Fred would like to see us open it up to public as well. Steve will talk to Matt again re: his availability. Dec.7 is a possibility.
Fred asked if anyone is interested in writing articles for Mass Media; possible topics would be net neutrality, policy. Jason and Fred discuss if writings should be op-eds or as a column, should meet academic standards and would meet competency requirements.
Clarification re: competencies from Fred: Multimedia class next semester with Nettrice Gaskin should be taken by CMT majors. Competencies will be met if we participate in projects, post to blog, participate in discussion. There are four all together and can be achieved over two semesters. Fred will be asking us to do some specific assignments from Community Media book and we should be getting our definitions together as noted in curriculum outline on Fred's blog. These will be included on our wiki and possibly then contributed to Wikipedia. He would like to present this at Media Reform conference that he will attend in Memphis in January. Watch for changes and assigments in Fred's syllabus.
Policy: we updated Fred about where we went in discussion week prior in his absence. That info is posted in notes from that week. In addition we talked about following movement of policy when comes up next session in Congeress; U.S. lack of broadband speed and quality as compared to Japan, etc. and what will happen in future if Verizon/Comcast type Duopoly prevents free internet, would it ever go private. Jason mentions China's attempt to censor content, will they be able to do it or not? Something to watch for future.
Gather and include more info on Intellectual Property/Copyright, Key Concepts and Policy for Wiki.
Jason presented maps from Boston Wireless Task Force that he found @ showing where and what type of cable is already in place around the city. Questions were who owns and controls what and what will be done with in future. Articles can be found on "Wireless in Boston" from Mayor's Task force at that website. Talked briefly at end of class about "dumb network, big pipes" meaning fast broadband, cheap, free, fast for everyone, basically the opposite of net neutrality.
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