Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dear Tactical Media People,

Here are the notes from our November 16th meeting:

Charlotte says: Update on projects is tonights discussion.
Fred says: Discussion of announcements involving due dates, and questions:
1.Do we need to make any corrections for this class (issues anyone)?
2.Why aren't we focusing on national policies at all?
3.Steve says: When are the screenings going to happen? Matt L.'s Screening is happening December 14th. Everyone needs to meet here at 5:30 PM.
Other screenings maybe in the next semester.


Jay has a ready color-printed flier for the Video Workshop date and events.

Pam says: The dates and times and the room are reserved for the Video Workshop.

Party: People are talking about having our social party at the Double-Tree Guest Suites near Umass Boston.

Due Dates IMPORTANT so in everything is in bold:

Note: First, sign up on the Tactical Media Wiki! Jason will help you out with this.

Post the definitions that we've been talking about (on the handouts sheet) by: December 7th, 2006.
Fred wants to see everyone's definitions of the terms (everyone's individual definition of each term) on the Tactical Media Wiki.
Jonell is going to have information up on the Tactical Media Wiki in a seperate category from the terms, by: November 30th, 2006.
Everyone should make corrections, arguments, or additions of each others submissions. These should not be made in the same place as the Dec. 7th definitions, they should be commented on in a separate place on the Wiki which the Wiki group will create for all of us. AND everyone, together, should come up with a definition of what Community Media means and post that on a separate place on the Wiki by: December 14th, 2006.
Read Chapters 1 and 2 in the book and put up 3 critical questions that you have from the reading on the Tactical Media Wiki by: Next class, November 30th, 2006 please.

Enrollment (registration for classes) opens on November 27th , 2006. You need to register by January 1st, 2007 to avoid the late fee. On January 18th, classes will be canceled that don't have enough students that are enrolled in them.

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